Did You Know

  • A statement of who BOAF is and what BOAF is about is on our website. See subtab under DID YOU KNOW. This was passed out to our legislators March 21th at Legislative Day. Click here.


  • Contact information for current central Florida legislators has been added on our website on a new page under the LINKS menu tab called “Contact Your State Legislators”.  Navigate to the page or check it out by clicking here



Can’t go to ICC conferences?  Maybe ICC can help!

ICC Expands Services for Chapter Members to Support Attendance at Professional Events

To support your participation in International Code Council and Chapter events, and to justify to your supervisor and elected officials the value to your community and public safety as a result of your attendance at ICC and Chapter events, we are providing a new service to all Chapter members.
ICC will write and send a letter to your employer, supervisor, elected official or other individuals who play a part in authorizing your attendance at the ICC Annual Conference and/or your participation in your local, state and/or regional Chapter(s), encouraging their support for your efforts. Simply take just a moment to provide us with some basic information. ICC will customize the letter with the information you provide and either send it directly to your chief administrative authority or to you so you can provide the letter.
Complete the form now so you can continue moving your career forward and providing public safety. To get to form click here:  www.iccsafe.org/Membership/Pages/SupportLetter.aspx

If your building department is doing any public relations activities, please send us some pictures!

The Bill Neese/ Bill Tangye/ Ralph Jones Golf Tournament for 2021 is December 3rd.  You may not be familiar with these men and their contributions to the industry.  See below.


The Contributions of Bill Neese, Bill Tangye, and Ralph Jones

Bill Neese

JAMES WILLIAM NEESE retired from the City of Orlando in 1992 after a 26-year career.  As Orlando’s Building Official, Bill oversaw much of the city’s explosive growth, including downtown, the International Drive tourist corridor and Universal Studios.  Born in Graham, N.C., he moved to Central Florida in 1959.  Always active in the Central Florida BOAF Chapter, and former President of the Building Officials Association of Florida (BOAF), he was elected President of the Southern Building Code Congress International (SBCCI) in 1985 and to a three year term on the Board of Directors of the World Organization of Building Officials (WOBO) in London in 1987. Bill was instrumental in hiring Bill Tangye as the CEO of SBCCI heralding a period of significant membership access, code development, and growth which ultimately resulted in merging the three national model code groups and forming the International Code Council (ICC).  Bill Neese passed away at the age of 60 in 1994.  He was inducted posthumously into the Florida Home Builders Association (FHBA) Housing Hall of Fame  in 1999 as a result of his long-term commitment to affordable housing and the building industry.    (Source:  Bob McCormick)

Bill Tangye

William Jefferson Tangye was, perhaps, known best for his positon as the chief executive officer of SBCCI from 1982 to 2002 and as the first CEO of ICC starting in 2002.
Mr. Tangye had joined Southern Building Code Congress International, Inc. in 1975 as the director of engineering services and chief engineer. Prior to joining SBCCI, Mr. Tangye was director of field engineering for BOCA International. On September 19, 2001, the International Code Council Board of Directors, meeting in Cincinnati, Ohio, named him ICC’s first Chief Executive Officer.
“Bill was always the calming factor in the storm. Whenever he was in a meeting, he would let everyone have an opportunity to speak his piece. Anyone who didn’t know him would think he wasn’t paying attention but what he was really doing was absorbing all that was being said and how everyone was feeling. Then, when everyone was done, he would offer a solution that everyone was happy with. Most of the time the rest of us would say, ‘Now why didn’t we think of that’.”
Mr. Tangye was a registered professional engineer in several states, as well as a registered fire protection engineer in California. He held an undergraduate degree from California State Polytechnic University at Pomona as well as graduate degrees from the University of Southern California and California State University at Long Beach. (Source: North Carolina Building Inspector Association William J. Tangye Scholarship webpage  http://ncbia.org/)


Ralph Jones, Jr.

Ralph Winter Jones, Jr., was born in 1925 in South Carolina. He served the Country in World War II in the Army Air Corps.  He graduated from Clemson in 1950 with a degree in Architectural Engineering.
After serving the City of Spartanburg, South Carolina as their Building Official, Ralph moved to Orlando, Florida and became their Building Official in 1956. At that time, there was no State requirement for professional licensure. Ralph sought out the other Building Officials in the area and developed a standardized test for competency for contractors in the Central Florida area. Ralph enjoyed networking with other individuals involved in building code enforcement and was influential in the formulation of the Building Officials Association of Florida (BOAF). Ralph was always very active in the association. He served as President of the organization as well as many other committees including the Inspector Certification Committee which eventually became the mandatory licensure of Inspection Professionals. Ralph was also heavily involved in the Southern Building Code Congress (SBCCI).  He served on numerous committees and was elected to serve on the Board of Directors. Ralph W. Jones Jr. passed away at the age of 74 in 1998.  (Source- Ralph W. Jones III)

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