CFBOAF Meeting Minutes 08/14/24

President Ismael Castro calls the meeting to order at 09:08.

Education Course – APA – After the Storm – Stephanie Rees

Invocation and prayer – Ray Pierce

Members – quorum

Approval of July’s Meeting Minutes – (Postponed until September Meeting)
Treasurer’s report – Rick Brumby (MTA – Tom Allen, 2nd – Christopher Richardson)

Old Business – NA

New Business – We are working on a new chapter logo and hope to have a design for a chapter
vote in September. We have found a few options for online storage of historical documents
between our ICC Chapter benefit on ICC’s webpage and our website creator, more to come.
Committee Reports:

I. Education – Renata Minoga – September will be Dottie Mazzarella – Understanding and
Using Evaluation Service Reports. There won’t be a meeting in October due to the annual
conference. November will be David Marckle with Thremacrete.

II. Legislative – Tom Allen – Get involved as much as possible. A new lobbyist was hired and it is
establishing connections. The Legislative day is March, 18th 2025. Milestone Inspections and
Residential Inspections are key issues this year as discussions about deregulation (Roy

III. Activities – Marcos Baez Golf Tournament on Friday, December 6th. Tom Allen will provide
breakfast for the golf tournament. Rick B. – Fun in the Sun with Guns on November 16th at St.
Cloud Range. Picnic date March 29th, 2025 at the Osceola Grounds. Joey Rodriguez asked
about having sponsors for the events, and Ashley Ong informed the group that a policy was
proposed to the Executive Board and will be presented at the next meeting.

IV. Scholarship committee – Ismael stated there will be updates forthcoming on expanding who
is eligible (Dual enrolment)

V. Nominating Committee – Tom Allen – David Spencer for ICC President, J.C. Hutchison to
refill the vacant seat.

VI. By-Laws Update – Ashley Ong – Updated bylaws emailed to everyone in July and the final
vote will take place at the September meeting.

VII. BOAF State Director Report—Tom Allen – Next meeting September 13th, 2024. Nothing to
report at this time.

VIII. Mutual Aid – Tom Allen – No action required

IX. Region 9 – Next meeting at Annual ICC Conference October 20–23, 2024

X. ICC Update: Dottie Mazzarella and Kris Stenger encouraged everyone to attend the Annual
Conference. Code of Honor Scholarships available. The 30th Anniversary of ICC celebrations
will begin at the Conference. ICC will organize watch parties for chapters to be able to follow
the hearings.

XI. BCAIB Update – Next meeting October 9-10, 2024 in Ft. Lauderdale and the new process is
in effect. Candidates who received pre-approval do not need to attend the meeting.
Discussion about credits for Permit Technicians.

XII. Florida Building Commission – Tom Allen – TAC meetings next month. Vote on the 2024 ICode
updates. Currently, FBC is two cycles behind. Dottie Mazzarella informed the group
that changes on the new refrigerant adoption have been voted. Results are to be reported
at the next meeting.

Code interpretation discussion – Discussion on new flammable refrigerant. 410A is not readily
available to vendors. What are the other jurisdictions doing?
Next meeting – September 11th, 2024.

50/50 – No raffle tickets for this meeting.

Meeting adjourned 11:30

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